Are you interested in making the Advent season a part of your daily life this December? If so, here are some resources that may help you in that experience. Of course you may already have some traditions and resources you like to use. But if you’re at all like me, you have discovered Advent a bit later in life and are still learning how one goes about participating in it. This is not an exhaustive list (there are many resources out there), but it can get you started in your journey.
Books and Devotionals
Youversion Advent daily bible studies (free)
Joy to the World: Daily Readings for Advent by John Piper (only $1 right now!)
The Weary World Rejoices: Daily Devotions for Advent Edited by Melissa Kruger
The Dawn of Redeemer Grace: Daily Devotions for Advent by Sinclair Ferguson
Joy to the World: Daily reading for Advent by Charles Spurgeon
The Advent Book - More expensive but good for kids and families every year. (This one has become a tradition in our home)
CRC Youtube Playlist - Still adding more to this
The Gospel Coalition Advent Playlist on Spotify - 100 Advent songs
Additional resources
The Gospel Coalition Advent Resource Page - Several more resources can be found here
Pastor Levi