Corporate worship is one of the ordinary means of grace that God gives to his people. In our liturgy, we aim to joyfully retell the *gospel story by using a blend of Scripture readings, extemporaneous and pre-written prayers, old hymns and new songs, moments of silence and reflection, active listening to God’s Word preached and participation in the Lord’s Supper.
*Retelling the gospel story means our worship starts with God. Our worship is simply the response to who He is and what He has done. When we worship together, we affirm that God is the eternal Giver of Life. All creation belongs to Him, and He is worthy to be praised. Mankind however, has rebelled against him and fallen into sin and is in need of rescue. In God's mercy, He has sent his Son, Jesus, to save us and reconcile us back to Himself. This has been accomplised in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit a new identity is given to those who believe this good news: Children of God. All of this is accomplished by the grace of God and not by any human effort. Salvation is by faith alone and not by works. However, becuase of what God has done for us, we now seek to do good works as an expression of our love for God and love for our neigbor. With that in mind we seek to be ambassadors of Christ who proclaim his name in both word and deed to the whole world. And we look forward to the day when Jesus returns in glory to make all things right.